Google Team Drives Support

By |2020-04-17T09:50:02+02:00March 30th, 2017|integration|
Reading Time: 2 min

Is your company using Google Team Drives for business file sharing within the organization?

So that you can store, share and collaborate diagrams using Google Team Drives, we’ve updated to include Team Drives as a storage location. for Google Team Drives works exactly the same as with Google Drive.

Step 1: Set your saved diagram location to Team Drives

After logging into your Team Drives account, go to, and you will be prompted to choose a location for your diagrams. Select Google Drive. - Google Team Drives

Step 2: Create or open a diagram

Once you have selected your Team Drive as your storage location, you’ll be prompted to create a new diagram, or open an existing diagram. - Google Team Drives - Create a new diagram or open an existing diagram

Are you using Google Team Drives?

Let us know what you think about using Team Drives with!

Last Updated on April 17, 2020 by Admin

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