About Brad Boesen

Brad Boesen is a writer and editor of books, theses, blogs, articles, web content, and online educational material. His work covers topics ranging from AI to Web Development to Biological Science, Photography, meditation for children, and much more. He spent his formative years working for Gallup, IBM, and the Nebraska State Legislature before setting out on his own as a freelancer, doing the bidding of clients like Walmart, Expedia, and Oxford University. He's now the full-time content creator for draw.io.

The Best Diagramming apps: Blended Perspective’s Opinion

The Atlassian Marketplace is booming. Since 2018, instances have grown a whopping 99% to 1.6M. There are nearly 4000 third-party apps available on the marketplace overall, making it increasingly hard to know which apps can provide your company the most value. For example, what's the best diagramming app? At Blended Perspective, their Marketplace [...]

By |2022-10-20T09:15:27+02:00August 20th, 2021|draw.io, Gliffy migration, migration, news|

Top draw.io Videos to Make You a Diagramming Wiz

draw.io is packed with features and shortcuts to make your diagramming life easier and more productive. If you’ve used draw.io for any length of time, you already know some of them, but there’s always more to learn. Where can you find these pro tips? The draw.io YouTube channel is always at your service. Here’s [...]

By |2022-10-20T09:15:44+02:00August 11th, 2021|draw.io, Gliffy migration, learning, migration, productivity, use cases, Visio migration|

Scratchpad – Your helper for individual diagramming needs

In our last post, we talked about custom libraries and how they can personalize your draw.io experience so that you always have the right shapes close at hand for your current diagramming needs. Between the complete libraries provided by draw.io out of the box and the custom libraries you create, you can be covered [...]

By |2022-10-20T09:16:04+02:00August 5th, 2021|customization, draw.io, feature, learning, productivity|

Move Shapes Forward or Backward in draw.io

One of the more powerful features of draw.io is the ability to work in layers when creating your diagrams. Layers provide a big boost of flexibility by allowing you to switch between different views of your diagram, protecting a group of related diagram elements on one layer from being accidentally modified when you manipulate [...]

By |2022-10-20T09:16:17+02:00July 28th, 2021|draw.io, feature, learning|

Custom Libraries vs Custom Templates in draw.io

draw.io is the easiest, most powerful, and user-friendly way to visualize any and every aspect of your business in Confluence Cloud. With its endless selection of pre-made libraries of shapes and templates, it stands by, ready to serve, no matter the type of diagram you need. And if you happen to come up with [...]

By |2024-04-18T17:46:48+02:00July 26th, 2021|customization, draw.io, feature, learning, productivity|

Using draw.io for BPMN Diagrams

OK, first things first: What’s BPMN? Put briefly, Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) provides a graphical notation for specifying business processes. It’s a standard for visualizing business process modeling that’s based on a flowcharting technique similar to activity diagrams from Unified Modeling Language (UML). A BPMN diagram can look [...]

By |2022-10-20T09:53:44+02:00July 16th, 2021|draw.io, use cases|

What are People Using draw.io in Atlassian Confluence for?

draw.io is the top-rated Confluence diagramming option on the Atlassian Marketplace since 2013. If you want to diagram, you want draw.io. But let’s take things out of the abstract and into the real world. What kinds of things, exactly, are people using draw.io in Atlassian Confluence for? How are these use cases benefitting them [...]

By |2022-10-20T09:54:52+02:00July 2nd, 2021|Atlassian, draw.io, feedback, use cases|