About Brad Boesen

Brad Boesen is a writer and editor of books, theses, blogs, articles, web content, and online educational material. His work covers topics ranging from AI to Web Development to Biological Science, Photography, meditation for children, and much more. He spent his formative years working for Gallup, IBM, and the Nebraska State Legislature before setting out on his own as a freelancer, doing the bidding of clients like Walmart, Expedia, and Oxford University. He's now the full-time content creator for draw.io.

Entity Relationship Diagrams in the Insurance Industry

Every company generates a wealth of vital information that must be beaten into submission on a regular basis. This information can include data outlining the structure of the company. It can encompass inventory and sales. It can encompass employees’ birthdays and what kind of cake they like. The point is: Information. Lots of it. [...]

By |2023-08-17T16:16:02+02:00June 17th, 2021|draw.io, learning, use cases|

Customer Profile Diagrams in the Insurance Industry

You’ve no doubt heard of customer profiles. Similar to a buyer persona, customer profiles are detailed descriptions of your target audience. They contain factual information about current and prospective customers. Everything you need to know about your customers is captured within this one representation. It’s important information for any company to have on hand, [...]

By |2022-10-20T09:55:23+02:00June 10th, 2021|draw.io, integration, learning, security, use cases|

draw.io and the Insurance Industry – Take Control of your Diagrams

You might not realize how much time you spend sharing data and information with your team. But trust me. It’s a lot. And that's exactly where draw.io can help. draw.io has features that allow you to easily edit and update diagrams to visually convey all that information, so it’s easy to understand, always up-to-date, [...]

By |2022-10-20T09:55:59+02:00May 21st, 2021|draw.io, learning, productivity, use cases|

BCG Matrix Templates in draw.io

The Boston Consulting Group Matrix is a useful tool for identifying how all aspects of your company’s offerings are performing in relation to each other and to the larger market in general. It’s a growth-share matrix that takes into account relative market share as well as other considerations to categorize your product portfolio [...]

By |2022-10-20T09:56:19+02:00May 14th, 2021|draw.io, feature, learning, use cases|

Taming Large Diagrams for a More Streamlined Overview

We like to talk about the power of visualization in the dissemination of information. And diagrams are a great way to do that. But sometimes you’ve got a lot of information to impart. So how do you manage those big diagrams? How do you ensure that users get all of the information without losing [...]

By |2022-10-20T09:57:32+02:00May 5th, 2021|customization, draw.io, feature, learning|

More draw.io Shortcuts to Streamline Your Diagramming

draw.io has made its name on being not only powerful but easy to use. The overall vibe of draw.io is one of intuitiveness, but when there are so many time-saving shortcuts to be had, it’s easy to sometimes overlook some of them. We’ve already told you about Five draw.io Shortcuts that You Didn’t Know [...]

By |2021-05-11T10:31:57+02:00April 28th, 2021|customization, draw.io, feature, learning, productivity|

How to Create Org Charts in draw.io for Confluence

An Org Chart is a diagram that visually represents the structure or reporting/relationship hierarchy of an organization. Org charts can be structured in a variety of ways and are useful as a management and planning tool or even as a personnel directory. You want to show work responsibilities and reporting relationships, allow employees to [...]

By |2022-10-20T09:58:25+02:00April 21st, 2021|draw.io, feature, learning, use cases|

Five draw.io Shortcuts that You Didn’t Know About

Since 2013, draw.io Diagrams for Confluence has been the top-rated Confluence diagramming solution on the Atlassian Marketplace. As a draw.io user, you already know that it’s powerful and easy to use. We’re here today to let you know about some of the lesser-known benefits. The Easter eggs, if you will. Those little shortcuts that, when [...]

By |2021-12-02T08:29:50+01:00April 14th, 2021|draw.io, feature, learning, productivity|

Paint Your Own Business Model Canvas With draw.io in Confluence

When launching a new business or product or service - or even when just keeping what you’ve already got thriving and growing into the future - it’s important to know all the facts. Get your house in order. Keep your ducks in a row. And one of the best ways to keep those ducks marching [...]

By |2021-12-02T09:12:36+01:00April 8th, 2021|draw.io, use cases|

Call in the SWOT Team with draw.io in Confluence

No matter where your organization sits on the scale of success, one thing you can’t ever do is get complacent. When you’re kicking back at the top of your game, it can be easy to relax and think, “we’ve got this covered.” That’s when the bad things happen.The time to stop evaluating your position and planning [...]

By |2021-12-02T09:24:01+01:00March 31st, 2021|draw.io, use cases|