Onboarding with draw.io in HR part 1: Preparation

By |2021-11-04T08:13:06+01:00April 29th, 2020|onboarding, use cases|
Reading Time: 5 min

All aboard the onboarding train!

Almost everyone reading this has applied for a job and gone through the whole interview-to-job acceptance process.  What do you remember the most about your experience as a new hire?  Have you had more negative or positive experiences with onboarding?

They say that there is no second chance for a first impression, so getting the hiring process right is one of the most important things within any organization. Within a company, Human Resources plays a pivotal role in recruitment.  So, it stands to reason that employee onboarding and retention is part of the recruitment process.

But what goes on behind the scenes in HR, and what does the onboarding process entail?  More importantly, how can draw.io diagrams help you create a better onboarding system?  Over the next few weeks, we will be talking about the onboarding process and giving you tips and tricks to help the revolving door of recruitment stop spinning.

Be Prepared

If you work in HR, you know that being prepared isn’t just a motto from the Boy Scouts, it’s something that you have to live.  According to research by Urbanbound, as much as 20% of staff turnover occurs within the first 45 days of employment.  One of the most significant contributing factors in high staff turnover is the lack of a standardized onboarding process.

A welcoming, organized and well-prepared first impression can be the difference between your new hire settling in or walking out the door.  So what kinds of things can HR prepare from the moment the new hire signs along the dotted line?

Go with the flow

The new hire is poised to start soon, and HR has to kick things into high gear and not just within their department.  They need to coordinate all departments to get things in place.  For example:

  • IT  –  set up and configuration of all hard & software
  • Legal – creation and preparation of all paperwork still not signed

Not to mention getting all the employees who will have a direct working relationship with the new hire up to speed, so they know what to expect.  When all these things are in place, nothing can stand in the way of a successful first day.  More importantly, it will give the new person the feeling that they made the right decision in having joined the company.

Visualization can be an integral part of this whole process, and that is where draw.io comes in.  A flow chart that displays the procedures for each of the departments involved and their assigned tasks will give the much-needed overview to make sure that nothing was missed.

Here’s what it might look like:

Onboarding preparation flow chart

Last summer, we wrote about creating different types of flowcharts with draw.io.  Use our templates or create your own to match your corporate brand! There is sure to be one that will suit your needs to a T so go ahead and take a look at the possibilities that are open to you.

Don’t rest on your laurels!

Hopefully, the preparation phase of your onboarding process was a success and your new employee feels like the decision to join your organization was the right one.  However, there has to be a follow-up in order to make sure that all the progress made during this phase doesn’t go to waste.  You have your new hire through the door and now they need incentives to stay.

Join us next week for the next installment – Onboarding with draw.io in HR part 2: Induction

Have you had a great onboarding experience?  What other kinds of diagrams could you imagine to be useful during the preparation phase?  We’d love to hear from you!

In the meantime, why don’t you download our Whitepaper on Onboarding with draw.io?

Last Updated on November 4, 2021 by Admin

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Content creator at //SEIBERT/MEDIA