Share VSDX, Gliffy, and Lucidchart diagrams using as a viewer

By |2020-04-09T14:05:52+02:00May 29th, 2018|integration|
Reading Time: 3 min

Some companies love their desktop diagramming software, but the individual licenses are too expensive to allow everyone to have a license. Even though those companies should know how much diagramming can help improve processes and knowledge management in all departments. can import many diagram formats – Gliffy, VSDX, PNG (with XML), SVG, JPEG, and it can even visualize data in CSV files!

View diagrams that are stored on the web in

You can let all your employees access the diagrams you create by using as a viewer. This works for VSDX, Gliffy, Lucidchart and diagrams.

  1. Go to:
  2. Paste the address (URL) where your diagram file is stored in the Link to Diagram field.
  3. Choose the mode:
    • Full Screen Mode: displays your diagram in the browser. From here you can print it or save it as a PNG file.  This is the default option.
    • Editor: opens a copy of your diagram in the editor.
    • IFrame: creates code that you can paste into your website or blog to display your diagram. You can set the height of diagram here.
  4. Click Click here

If you chose Full Screen mode or Editor, a link is generated:

When you click on your link, it will open the diagram stored at your URL in either in view mode or edit mode.

You can share this link with your colleagues (or the world!)  Now, even if they don’t have the software you created your diagram in, they will be able to view it with

Quickly generate code to embed your diagram in an IFrame

If you chose the IFrame mode, when you click on Click Here, your code will be displayed below. You can then copy this code and paste it into your webpage or blog post to embed your diagram.

Let the world view your diagrams with!

Here’s that link again:

Last Updated on April 9, 2020 by Admin

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