58 Results for: Category: news

draw.io at Atlassian Team ’21!

Atlassian is all about teams. It’s right there in their mission: “...to unleash the potential in every team—including our own.”  At draw.io, we’re totally on board with that. draw.io is the #1 rated app at the Atlassian marketplace. Collaboration is key, and quite simply, teams work better with draw.io. That’s why draw.io is proud to [...]

By |2021-12-02T09:27:38+01:00March 23rd, 2021|draw.io, news|

Updates to the draw.io apps for Confluence and Jira

We've been investing a lot into making draw.io the obvious choice for diagramming in Confluence and Jira over the past year. We've fixed a host of minor issues, as well as implemented a number of larger features. Here's a selection of what we've added. Data governance and lockdown options Diagram data is stored as [...]

By |2021-04-22T12:33:08+02:00March 11th, 2021|draw.io, feature, news|

Introducing Data Governance in our Standard draw.io plan for Confluence Cloud

draw.io is a security-first diagramming app for Atlassian products. Diagram data only lives in your computer memory, or as an attachment to a Confluence page or Jira issue. Data residency Atlassian has implemented data residency options for Confluence Cloud and Jira Cloud. This means that all of the primary data stored in your Confluence and/or [...]

By |2023-03-01T12:35:24+01:00March 11th, 2021|Atlassian, draw.io, news, security|

Loyalty Pricing Program for draw.io in Confluence & Jira Cloud

Good news for the Cloud! The buzz of Atlassian and the Cloud has been on everyone's lips.  As an Atlassian Marketplace vendor, we've also been buzzing in the background to ensure our draw.io Cloud customers benefit. The Atlassian Loyalty Program offers discounts to customers with an active license or subscription for Atlassian Server and [...]

By |2021-01-15T13:12:01+01:00November 13th, 2020|Atlassian, news|

New draw.io videos on YouTube – Bite-sized learning that packs a punch

There seems to be quite a lot happening here at draw.io! We want to make sure that we keep providing you with the most updated information on our tool.  That way, you can continue to seamlessly create the diagrams you need.  To that end, we've been adding new videos over at draw.io on YouTube [...]

By |2020-08-01T09:49:55+02:00July 24th, 2020|draw.io, news|

Atlassian’s Bug Bounty Program: Making draw.io even more secure

Security is part of our core philosophy here at draw.io. That's why offering you a safe solution is the second most important goal after providing you the best tool for diagramming possible. To that end, we are happy and proud to announce that draw.io is part of Atlassian's Bug Bounty program. But what does [...]

By |2021-06-01T11:16:18+02:00July 22nd, 2020|draw.io, news, security|