About Emily Williams

With a background in languages and education technology, Emily is passionate about the user being at the heart of written content and empowering people to find the info they need to learn and succeed. She is now the Technical Writer for draw.io.

3 tips to improve patient workflows with draw.io

Optimizing your patient workflows If you’ve been working with the same patient workflows for a while, consider: when was the last time you reflected on them? Are they still meeting your teams' needs, as well as those of your patients? As a healthcare provider, it’s important to re-evaluate your patient workflows regularly, and to [...]

By |2023-11-20T13:01:20+01:00October 19th, 2023|Atlassian, productivity|

Visualizing healthcare processes with draw.io and Confluence

Ditch the autopilot You might have driven home on more than one occasion after work, only to experience a strange sensation: you’ve gotten home, but you don’t actually remember the process of driving back. This is known as highway hypnosis; you have enough awareness to drive home safely, but not to remember the event [...]

By |2023-11-20T13:01:24+01:00October 12th, 2023|Atlassian, draw.io, feature|

Improve planning with driver diagrams; an example from healthcare

Driving positive change For administrators, improvement teams, and medical professionals in general, identifying an improvement goal and all the factors that will positively influence this outcome is crucial for improving systems already in place. These systems can be on a micro level, such as changing a specific medical process or proposing change within one [...]

By |2023-11-20T13:01:28+01:00October 5th, 2023|customization, learning, productivity|

How to build a circular organizational chart in draw.io

Keep everything peachy keen We’ve all seen the traditional hierarchical organizational (org) chart with the bigwigs at the top, and the different role levels with decreasing responsibilities below. Frankly, this type of chart isn’t always the most inspiring. In addition, many modern and Agile organizations don’t work within such a rigid framework - there [...]

By |2023-09-13T10:49:26+02:00September 14th, 2023|customization, draw.io|

Eat the elephant: breaking down ideas for your final dissertation/ thesis

Make it a masterpiece Your dissertation or thesis is your academic masterpiece. It is your chance to deep dive into a topic of your interest and showcase what you’ve learned. Whether you end your journey here, or move on to the next step of your academic career, your thesis is a testament to the [...]

By |2023-10-12T18:05:20+02:00September 7th, 2023|Atlassian, customization, draw.io, learning, productivity|

2 diagrams every business major should know

Getting down to brass tacks The corporate world revolves around business diagrams. These diagrams can be the deciding factor on whether a project goes ahead, or if your audience has understood the key message in your presentation. So mastering the art of diagramming and visualizing information during your studies can set you leagues ahead [...]

By |2023-10-12T18:03:43+02:00August 31st, 2023|Atlassian, draw.io, learning|

3 diagrams every computer science student should know

Looking beyond the code As a computer science major, you’ll be introduced to a vast number of diagrams, and you’ll quickly learn that designing and defining systems requires strong visual representation. Your diagrams need to present complex information in a digestible way to an audience with varying levels of technological and programming knowledge. This [...]

By |2023-10-12T18:08:25+02:00August 24th, 2023|Atlassian, customization, draw.io, learning, productivity|

Don’t short circuit: use draw.io for your electrical diagrams

When we think of creating technical diagrams with draw.io, the first ones that spring to mind are UML, BPMN, and ERD. But what about electrical diagrams to represent systems and circuits? In this blogpost, we will demonstrate an array of tips, tricks, and shortcuts, to help you swiftly build electrical diagrams in draw.io. Try [...]

By |2023-10-12T18:09:36+02:00August 17th, 2023|Atlassian, customization, draw.io, learning, productivity|

Let your ideas flow with draw.io: designing a scientific experiment

Effective collaboration - it’s not rocket science! Collaboration is the beating heart of science. For many teachers and professors in the sciences, one key component requiring collaboration is designing experiments. The initial experimental setup, presenting your research question to others, and later publishing your results and findings as a journal paper, all require close [...]

By |2023-10-12T18:10:31+02:00August 10th, 2023|Atlassian, draw.io, feedback, productivity|

Visualizing an A+: diagrams for note-taking and exam prep with draw.io and Confluence

Don’t panic! It’s two weeks before your exam. You’re staring at all the words on a page, but the ideas just aren’t going into the ol’ noggin. The sense of dread starts to creep in. What do you do? Here are a few options: A) Descend into a blind panic. You assume you will [...]

By |2023-10-12T18:11:46+02:00August 3rd, 2023|Atlassian, customization, draw.io, productivity, whiteboard|